Master of Divinity, Concentration in Community Transformation and Chaplaincy


Congregational ministry is central to the PBA M.Div.然而,许多不同基督教传统的教会无法支持全职牧师. 许多学生被呼召去服侍这些教会,但如果没有另一份足够的职业来资助他们的教会事工,他们就不能这样做. 这种集中是为了打开全职工作的大门,足以支持那些无法雇用全职牧师的小型教会的牧养事工. After receiving this concentration, many later seek to serve in hospital, hospice, or other paid chaplaincy ministries, or in non-profit, community work.

School of Ministry




Community Transformation

1. Trauma and Spirituality

该计划提供的课程将使学生能够参与受到社会正义问题创伤影响的社区, poverty, generational trauma, and more. 通过全面了解创伤对个人和社区的影响, 学生获得必要的工具,在这些背景下有效地促进社区变革事工.


2. Transformational Leadership

本课程提供的课程将使学生能够培养转型实践的发展,并赋予学生实践领导能力. Graduates will be able to lead initiatives, manage programs, 参与社区组织工作,致力于推动社区转型.

3. CPE Training

CTC的学生有一个独特的机会,通过参与临床教牧教育(CPE)来提高他们的神学知识和教牧技能。. CPE提供有监督的学习体验,学生至少有400小时的实践经验. 该项目通常为期25周(延长)或11周(加速),并提供津贴(见下文)。. Students gain invaluable hands-on experience, integrating theology with praxis in various environments. These environments include placements in:

  • Hospitals
  • Extended care facilities
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Social-justice organizations
  • Congregational settings

female students smiling and taking notes at Palm Beach Atlantic University

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Program Courses

Learn more about your classes and requirements in the course catalog.

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Career Outcomes

  • Non-profit Leadership in Community Transformation
  • Chaplaincy
  • Hospital
  • Hospice
  • Military
  • Prison
  • Community Organizing
  • Para-church Ministries
  • Congregational Leadership
  • Entrepreneurial Pursuits

PBA的MDiv从零开始创建,着眼于21世纪的部. 在咨询了具有创新精神的牧师和十大赌博网站,并反思了神学院教育的差距之后, 它决定在交付方法和课程方面超越传统神学院方法的孤立筒仓. 因此,具有社区转型和牧师集中的MDiv结构包含六个独特的特征:

Cohort community: Because we learn best in a thriving community, students benefit from a cohort model, 周二和周四的日间课程或晚间同步在线课程;

Efficient learning: Because master-level education should build upon a solid foundation, 课程设置以高级课程为特色,避免重复本科入门课程;

Integrated thinking: Because real-life ministry requires integrated thinking学生在跨学科的配对课程中学习圣经、神学和实践神学;

Leadership development: Because practitioners need intentional practice, 学生在ACPE认证的临床教牧教育(CPE)项目中培养他们的教牧技能,接受至少2个单位(800小时)的实践教牧教育和临床经验.

All students studying for the MDiv, 社区转型和牧师集中(75学时)将完成综合核心(36学时), specialized ministry competencies and/or biblical languages (9 credit hours), 社区转型和牧师专业课程(30学时).

A student with a bachelor’s degree in a field that is not related to ministry, 圣经或神学研究将完成基础课程,作为他或她的MDIV-CTC计划的一部分.  基础路径是一个12学分(4门课程)的课程,旨在提供研究生水平的圣经介绍, historical, and theological studies, as well as the essential academic skills necessary for successful formation.  For details, see the Foundations Path section in the MDIV program overview.


Format and Location

  • 协助弥补因履行持续专业教育要求而丧失的赚取收入机会所造成的差距, students may apply for living expense stipends. Stipends may be awarded for each unit of CPE, up to $7500.
  • Additionally, 在社区转型和牧师集中注册的学生有资格获得ctc特定的奖学金,此外还有学院奖学金和其他经济援助机会.


Master of Divinity, Community Transformation and Chaplaincy concentration: 75 credit hour MDiv, designed to be completed within 3 years.

Master of Arts, 社区转型和牧师:36学分的文学硕士学位,设计在2年内完成.

研究生证书:提供创伤与灵性和变革型领导力证书. Certificates consist of 9 credit hours and can be completed in 1 year.

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PBA students participate in discussion during a classroom presentation.

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You've heard God's call and are eager to answer. At Palm Beach Atlantic University, 我们渴望帮助你为主为你准备的伟大旅程做好准备. 我们的使命是让学生像你一样,去完成他们的呼召,为神的国度做出改变.


Community Transformation and Chaplaincy, M.A.

The aim of the Master of Arts, 社区转变和牧师(MACTC)是为学生提供先进的神学教育和社区和临床牧师的实地经验. 这个学位是为那些寻求牧师委员会认证和牧师职业的进一步教育和培训而设计的.


Master of Divinity, M.Div. + Philosophy of Religion, M.A.

The Master of Divinity and Master of Arts, 宗教哲学双学位课程(MDiv + MAPR)是为希望将职业事工培训与高级神学参与结合起来的学生提供的,根据圣经和基督教信仰与实践的丰富遗产,紧迫的哲学问题. For additional information, see each degree in the relevant section of the Graduate and Pharmacy Catalog.

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